East Java

Banyuwangi, located on the eastern tip of Java, Indonesia, is a burgeoning tourist destination known for its diverse and breathtaking natural attractions. One of the highlights is the Ijen Crater, a volcanic crater with a stunning turquoise lake that captivates visitors with its surreal beauty. What makes Ijen unique is the phenomenon of blue fire, caused by the combustion of sulfuric gases. Adventurous travelers often embark on a challenging trek to witness this otherworldly spectacle in the early hours of the morning. Besides Ijen, Banyuwangi boasts pristine beaches like Pulau Merah and Sukamade, providing serene escapes with golden sands and crystal-clear waters. The area’s commitment to ecotourism and conservation efforts has helped preserve its natural splendor, making Banyuwangi an increasingly popular destination for those seeking an authentic and untamed Indonesian experience.

In addition to its natural wonders, Banyuwangi also celebrates cultural richness and diversity. The annual Banyuwangi Ethno Carnival showcases the region’s traditional arts, dances, and rituals, offering a vibrant display of the local cultural heritage. The city is home to various ethnic groups, each contributing to the colorful tapestry of Banyuwangi’s identity. The Osing community, with its unique customs and traditions, adds a distinctive flavor to the cultural landscape. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local way of life by exploring traditional markets, attending cultural performances, and participating in community events. Banyuwangi’s commitment to preserving its cultural heritage alongside its breathtaking landscapes makes it a well-rounded destination that appeals to a wide range of travelers.

Tour details

  • Tour Type Nature
  • Price From Rp. 280.000 /Person
  • Best for Couples, Artists, Families, Soul-Seekers